Hello dear friend!
Welcome to the 2nd part of Self Esteem UP! UP! UP!

Following my previous post….

… PATM didn’t make easy to increase my self-esteem at all… but it made it essential.

I realized a sort of connection between PATM and anxiety. During some praying meditations I realized I was being always so critical to myself, and that I used to care more about others, and about how others feel about me, than caring about my own welfare.  Then, I realized that even if I had PATM, even if I was never going to find the cure, even if all the world was going to cough (or feel bad) around me….  I just really wanted to be happy, I just wanted to feel happy anyway… and to fix my bad relationship with myself.
Everything started there…

Very soon after I committed to do what was necessary to fix my self-esteem, I realized that my anxiety, stress and PATM, decreased…  and It was periodically getting better and better, up to now that I consider it totally under my control (thanks God).
That’s why I believe High self esteem is essential to get over PATM.

The techniques I am going to talk you about, were not created by me, but by different Psychologist or spiritual people, therefore I will just list them and give you a short explanation hoping that you check them on their own websites. (Of course there are many other good techniques on line that you can try as well!)

The 5 fingers game:  (By Vivienne Rauber) This easy practite with your 2 hands will help you to connect with your emotions and to solve any inner conflict that may be causing a bad emotional state.

The Healing Code: (By Dr. Alex Loyd) A practice that consist on small daily meditations with some hand positions, that helps to replace bad emotional memories with good ones. It can heal your inner child also, and different kind of illnesses, according to many real testimonies. You can find the different meditations on youtube, or a free downloadable pdf on the web!.

Mindfulness: This techniques helps you to improve your relationship with your thoughts. BUT! I don’t recomend blank mind meditation with spiritual purpuses (as I had explained in previous posts), but I recomend it with pourpuses of improving concentration in reality and to calm down a fanciful mind.  Here, not only traditional meditation works, also watching some asmr videos that focus on daily life sounds and beauty, have a similar effect. My favorite youtuber with really relaxing ideas is haegreenday.

One precious advices to accompany your journey:

Remember to just —> let yourself be yourself

What ever the results … don’t obey your fears (inside the law obviously ;P).
Everytime I obeyed my fears in the past, I could feel safe for a moment, scaping from “terrible” posibilites… But once I walked back into my life, my fears had gotten stronger, and they spoke harder than before…. So, even if it costs you tears… face it. And in that moment just remember to let yourself be yourself
You are free to miss, to make bad moves sometimes, to feel anxious sometimes… and still you are also free to enjoy of the gift of being you, and to enjoy of your ways, your ideas, and your silly actions sometimes. There is an inner You that just want to BE… and surprise you… so allow it to happen… Fears will gradually speak lower and lower as much as you try this 🙂

I hope my experiences help you to get a better and better relationship  with yourself, and of course If you want some personal advice, please feel free to share your concerns with me (better if it’s on this blog, so others can benefit from our testimonies).

God bless you always!
Cc 🙂